When should you start taking supplements?

When should you start taking supplements?

Proteína de suero

You probably joined a gym a couple of weeks ago and are now wondering when you should start taking supplements.

Maybe you are too reluctant to ask other people what they are drinking and ask yourself if should you start buying those powders or pills too?

In fact, some supplements can be helpful in speeding up your training for a leaner, more muscular physique. However, there are many things you should consider first before making any purchase.

As far as you know, those glossy ads on the pages of fitness magazines or websites that you’ve been searching repeatedly for the past few days are hype and a terrible waste of your hard-earned money.

Before I can answer the question of when you should start taking supplements, there are other concerns you need to address first

Empezar a tomar suplementos

Why do you need to take supplements?

If you have the right diet, a comprehensive training program and a healthy and complete lifestyle, you can get in good physical shape without taking a single gram of sports nutrition . You just need to persistently sculpt your body in the most natural way possible.

However, if you are looking for a radical transformation of the body from flabby or skinny to fully muscular in the shortest amount of time possible, then you might consider taking so-called fat burners, muscle builders or athletic performance enhancers.

Just make sure that any clinically formulated product you take has already been shown to be safe and effective, so you better do your research. Some unbiased advice forum on the internet can be helpful before making your decisions.

What are the supplements you should consider?

Keep in mind that you are only supplementing because you have already determined that your diet does not provide you with large amounts of natural substances that optimize muscle growth and preservation. In addition to the reduction of visceral and subcutaneous fat in the midsection.

What you need are supplements that increase your energy and endurance for intensive training, in addition to increasing the rate of protein synthesis and circulation of nitric oxide in skeletal muscles and help in the recovery, repair and development of myofibrils or strands of muscle proteins.

These are some of the basic supplements that can catalyze these functions:

1. Creatine

While this nitrogenous acid can be produced by your own body and can also be obtained from protein-rich foods such as beef, salmon, and eggs, your body may use higher amounts during weight or resistance training .

It is due to its essential role in the production of adenosine triphosphate or ATP, which is the main source of muscle energy for flexion and contraction.

It’s no wonder this supplement is the most popular for bodybuilders and athletes who require brute force or a sudden burst of energy during training and competitions like gymnasts, wrestling runners, and soccer players.

Creatine is widely accepted as safe and effective. In fact, it is one of the few supplements legitimately allowed by the International Olympic Committee for its contestants.

One of its perceived benefits is that it apparently stimulates satellite cell activity while increasing their monocular cells, causing muscle hypertrophy and repair of muscle fiber damage respectively.

2. Whey protein

Proteína de suero

This is one of the few organic foods that contains all 9 essential amino acids. They are said to be the building blocks of protein, the main macronutrient necessary for muscle building.

It is naturally derived from the production of cheese in which it is separated from one of the other main proteins in cow’s milk called casein. Whey is the liquid material left over after milk coagulates, while casein becomes the main component of cheese.

Other supplements that deserve your consideration include BCAAs or branched chain amino acids, glutamine, and fish oils. However, we will not delve into these substances.

How are supplements taken?

First of all, you should only take them when you already have a good training program. That is, any sports and bodybuilding supplements should be taken in conjunction and not in place of a sensible diet and stable training regimen.

These powders and pills are not like the multivitamins you take daily, whether you live an active or sedentary life. They are called bodybuilding or sports supplements for a reason. It is like having a diving team; You only use them when you go diving in the sea and not on the way to your office.

Of course, having the correct dosage is also relevant not only to get the best profit from these supplements, but also to give you the best value for your money.

When should you start taking supplements?

As mentioned above, when you already have an established exercise regimen.

In fact, if you are a newbie to bodybuilding or have been out of training for quite some time; It is best to start supplementing when you have been exercising regularly for at least 4-6 weeks .

By then your muscles will be ready for greater and faster growth.

In terms of time and frequency, it all depends on the type of supplements you are going to take. Some are best taken several minutes before going to the gym (pre-workout); some can be taken during training, while others are better after training (post-workout).

Others can still be taken in the morning or before bed.

In addition to reading the label, it is always best to consult a doctor or professional gym instructor before beginning any supplement. Especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are under the age of eighteen.


One last word: don’t be fooled by marketing hype and grandiose promises promoted by various vendors, print ads, or online. Don’t be too wowed by the long list of ingredients included in so-called proprietary blends from many suppliers.

It is likely that some of these “miracle” components have not undergone highly conclusive and unbiased clinical testing.

It’s best to stick to well-tested substances like those mentioned here, or better yet, ask people with first-hand experiences with sports supplements.

When do you think you should start taking supplements? Leave a comment below.



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