Archives 2020

Mysteries of some foods

If you’re serious about your health, then you probably already know which foods to eat and which to avoid (any processed food or high glycemic index ). Even though you already have this knowledge, you could still be missing some hidden benefits in the foods you eat.

To unlock the full nutritional potential of your meals, remember that the vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods we eat are living organisms, too. As such, they have their own self defense biomechanisms to protect them from predators. The byproduct of these biological mechanisms such as trace elements, carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids and phytochemicals can also protect us from health problems.

Misterios de algunos alimentos


Garlic offers enormous health benefits , but many people shoot themselves in the foot for the way they cook with it. People tend to mince garlic and immediately throw it into a heat source. There’s no question that the added garlic adds an unparalleled depth of flavor, sadly, the rush to pan kills the primary health benefits of garlic.

Garlic contains a protein element called alliin and a heat-sensitive enzyme called alliinase . When you cut a thin membrane from garlic, alliin and alliinase are synthesized into an antimicrobial compound called allicin, which may have the ability to fight cancer and heart-related diseases.

Garlic sounds amazing so far, but here’s the catch: A group of food chemists pointed out that applying heat immediately after cutting garlic destroys alliinase – that very enzyme needed to form the most valuable component of garlic. . By this time, most of its healing properties have been completely lost and are on fire.

The good news is that you can still cook garlic and reap its properties (and flavor), simply by letting the chopped garlic rest for a bit. That’s it. Once you mince the garlic, keep it away from heat and let it rest for 8-10 minutes before cooking. This short wait time allows the allicin process to complete.


The fast-digesting starches found in potatoes actually raise blood sugar almost as high and as fast as eating white sugar with a spoon. This is especially true if you buy the standard supermarkets like the white meat Russet or ready-to-fry potatoes.

Although our bodies are designed to handle the rapid rise in blood glucose from high glycemic foods with a hormone called insulin, consuming large amounts of sugary foods on a regular basis can lead to a condition called resistance to insulin.

At that point, blood glucose can no longer be adequately controlled without medication. The development of this process usually leads to type 2 diabetes.

The solution is to cook the potato and then chill it in the fridge for approximately 24 hours. The colder temperature lowers the glycemic index of starches, lowering it by 25 percent, resulting in a rise in blood glucose. The pancreas will thank you, as it is responsible for the release of insulin. Excessive demands on the pancreas from repeated glucose spikes damage the organ over time.

From that moment on, the cold will lower the glycemic index of the potatoes for you to enjoy, worry-free. You can also slow down the digestion of starch by adding fat to potatoes (olive oil for example)


For mysterious reasons, carrots cut after they have been cooked provide more nutritional value than cut them before they have been cooked.

For some, this may be a disappointing realization, as raw carrots are some of the most portable and convenient veggies for snacking.

Surprisingly, cooking the whole carrot and then slicing it will increase its nutritional value and improve the taste. Carrots cooked without chopping tend to be sweeter, but more importantly, they retain about more than 25 percent of a compound called falcarinol, which protects carrots from diseases caused by fungi in nature. Falcarinol has cancer-fighting properties.

Carrots also contain beta-carotene – a healthy compound that makes them that orange color. Do not forget that in order to absorb this nutrient you have to combine them with some fats.


Nuts of all kinds are packed with protein, omega-6 fatty acids, trace minerals, and make a great and convenient snack. Unfortunately, nuts in their unaltered form also contain high amounts of “anti-nutrients,” more specifically phytic acid, lectins, enzyme inhibitors, and in some cases, even mold.

Phytic acid and these anti-nutrients are indigestible in humans and wreak havoc on the body as they greedily cling to minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, and others. Consuming a large amount of these nuts without first putting it through a process called sprouting could lead to severe mineral deficiencies and loss of bone density.

Sprouts consist of soaking the walnuts in water (salted water, or sometimes an acidic solution also works) for a predetermined length of time. Exposure to moisture mimics something that occurs in nature when walnuts create enzymes to break down anti-nutrients. What this ultimately means is that properly sprouted nuts have increased their nutritional value and will be easier to digest.

The dive time depends on the type and quantity, and can vary from a few hours to a full day.


Boiled vegetables are still a staple among fat-loss-wanting people and bodybuilders’ diets. Chicken and boiled vegetables, anyone? Certainly, it is quick, comfortable and easy to do. But have you ever wondered why the cooking water turns green after broccoli floats around for a while? Perhaps even sadder is that the water pours quickly without even a shrug of the shoulders, leaving nothing but a less nutritious bundle of green matter fibers that can hardly be called broccoli.

It turns out that boiled veggies are perhaps the fastest way to lose nutrients. In addition to making the step towards an absolutely tasteless meal, boiled vegetables filter out all the valuable nutrients soluble in the cooking water. At that point, you should only drink the water in order to save the loose nutrients.

If you want to take advantage of eating veggies in the first place, consider sautéing the veggies with a little butter or oil, or even steaming it.

36 Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes About Motivation And Success

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947 near Graz, Austria. He rose to fame as the world’s greatest bodybuilder, launching a career that would make him a Hollywood star. After years of highly successful movie roles, Schwarzenegger entered politics and became Governor of California in 2003. In 2012 he returned to his acting career, with Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone in the film. “The mercenaries.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a powerful man not only in strength but also in great motivator. People struggle with everyday life trying to figure out how to maintain a healthy standard of living through diet and proper physical training. You don’t need to be on the road to becoming a bodybuilder in order to understand these powerful quotes from Arnold.

Below you will find 36 of the best Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes that you can use to inspire yourself to change your life, to set goals and to achieve everything that you propose.

Frases Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes about motivation and success

1.“Mind is the limit. As long as the mind can imagine the fact that you can do something, you can do it as long as you really believe 100 percent. ”

This quote is a great reminder that anything is possible if we allow ourselves to believe in it. People often give up when it comes to anything, from starting a new diet or trying to start a new career. If you think you can achieve your goals then they will come true.

Arnold wanted to be known around the world for his physique and it goes without saying that his dream came true.

2.“The worst I can be is the same as the rest of the others. I hate it. ”

Why not try to be the one who thinks differently in places like work? People who show that they think differently generally move higher up the chain of command faster than others. You can also try a diet that no one else has tried and see if it works. Be different and be proud of it.

3.“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through difficulties and decide not to give up, that’s strength. ”

It’s fair to say that almost everyone has some kind of difficulty that could get in the way of achieving your goals. This is human and there is nothing to be ashamed of. But you have to get up and move on to be successful. Overcoming all obstacles in life is a true show of strength. And lifting 150 kilos doing Deadlifts is too!

4.“It’s simple, if it shakes, it’s fat.”

This was a very entertaining quote, it is also simple and direct and you can tell it to those who want to change their physique.

5.“The stamina you struggle with physically in the gym and the stamina you struggle with in life can only build strong character.”

A great quote from Arnold that basically says that conquering the gym and life is what will make your character strong and you will be really motivated to succeed. The best thing you can do is wake up, train hard, and move through the day.

6.“What we face may seem insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competition. I learned something from all those sets and reps when I thought I couldn’t lift another ounce. What I learned is that we are always stronger than we know. »

Arnold is well known for being a powerful man. He focused on working hard through all of his sets and reps to chisel out the physique he wanted to have. Most people who concentrate on something like training carry this mindset into the interactions of life. Everyone is capable of doing something with their life but they have to fight to get to that point.

7.“I learned that Helplessness is the reaction to surrender, the response to giving up that stems from the belief that whatever you do won’t matter.”

If you honestly believe that what you are doing has no effect or impact on your city, state or even the world then you should consider finding your niche and making something great happen.

8.“The last three or four reps are what make the muscle grow. This area of ​​pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That’s what most people don’t have the guts to go ahead and say they’re going to go through the pain, no matter what. ”

As mentioned above, getting through the last few sets and reps of a training program makes you a stronger character in life. This quote seems similar but is more focused on stating that if you don’t have what it takes to achieve your goals, then there is nothing you can do.

9.“I do the same exercises I did 50 years ago and they still work. I eat the same food I ate 50 years ago and it still works. ”

This is an inspirational quote for those who are still looking for a way to change their lifestyle through health and fitness. There are hundreds of different diets and training programs being created, however the diet and exercises that Arnold used still work to this day. This shows that eating and training properly is all it takes to be successful.

10.“We all have great inner power. Power is faith in yourself. There really is an attitude to win. You must see yourself winning before you win. And you have to be hungry. You have to want to conquer. ”

Arnold seemed to be very dedicated to the fact that nothing matters unless you believed in what you were doing. Everyone can be supportive and say that you will arrive one day but you must dedicate your time to make that day come true.

More quotes from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger

11.“Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed. ”

12.“Rest, let your body relax and grow. Work gradually and don’t screw it up. Sometimes you can do so much that your mind gets fed up with it. Remember what I said earlier: ‘keep your mind hungry’. People tend to exaggerate things at first and then relax. ”

13.“Bodybuilding is very similar to any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate 100% to your training, diet and mental focus. ”

14.“I am a big believer in education, because when I grew up in Austria, when I grew up in Austria I had a great education. I had great teachers. ”

15.“Help others and show your appreciation. I guarantee that you will discover not only that public service improves lives and the world around you, but that your greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning you will bring to your own life. ”

16.“For me, life is continually being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, survive, but advance, climb, achieve, conquer. ”

17.“Start big, expand and never look back.”

18.“When I was a kid I always idolized winning athletes. But it is one thing to be a fan of your heroes and quite another to visualize yourself in their place. When I saw these people, I would say to myself: “I can be there.”

19.“I never heard the phrase“ you can’t ”, I always hear my insides saying:“ yes, you can! ”

20.“In our society, women who break barriers are those who ignore limits.”

21.“If you work hard and play by the rules, this country (United States) is truly open to you. You can achieve anything. ”

22.“As you know, I am an immigrant. I came here as an immigrant and what gave me the opportunities, what made me be here today, was the open arms of Americans. I have been received. I have been adopted by the United States. ”

23.“I knew I was a winner in the late sixties. He knew he was destined for great things. They will say that this kind of thinking is totally lacking in modesty. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way, and I hope it never applies. ”

24.“I welcome your ideas and look for them, but don’t bring me small ideas; bring me great ideas that match our future. ”

25.“Just remember, you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.”

26.“None of my success rules will work unless I do.”

27.“The secret is contained in a 3-part formula that I learned in the gym: self-confidence, a positive mental attitude, and honest, hard work. Many people are aware of these principles, but very few can put them into practice. ”

28.“Good things don’t happen by chance. Every dream carries certain risks. Especially the risk of failure. But the risks have not stopped me. Suppose a great person takes risks and fails. Then this person should try again. One cannot always fail. ”

29.“If you keep doing the right thing, success will follow.”

30.“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer. ”

31.“Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you become a winner. ”

32.“Money does not bring happiness. Now I have $ 50 million, but I am so happy that when I had $ 48 million. ”

33.“As in bodybuilding, failure is also a necessary experience to grow in our own lives because if we are never tested to our limits, how will we know how strong we really are? How are we going to grow? ”

34.“What’s the point of being on this Earth if you’re going to be like everyone else?”

35.“You must have a sincere and burning desire to achieve what you dream of, dedicate yourself to progress and to take control of your circumstances to change your body.”

36.“All I know is that the first step is to create a vision, because when you see the vision, that beautiful vision creates the power of need.”

Which Arnold Schwarzenegger phrase is your favorite?

These phrases that Arnold Schwarzenegger declared through the years have been motivating for athletes as well as for all people who seek to be more than average. Sadly, everyone thinks that he only talked about muscles and nothing more than that area of ​​his life. Arnold overcame many obstacles starting with moving to the United States with just a dream and a few dollars.

5 Nutrition rules to gain muscle mass

It doesn’t matter how hard you train or how blessed you happen to be genetically. Without proper nutrition , you will never reach your full potential when it comes to gaining muscle mass .

Even those people who seem to gain muscle mass just by looking at the weights can benefit from having proper nutrition on their side.

But sometimes feeding your body can be tricky. Unless you know what you are doing, poor nutrition can lead you astray and become a hindrance rather than a help.

Reglas de nutrición para ganar masa muscular

Nutrition tips to gain muscle mass

In this article I will show you 5 rules that you can follow this New Year to gain muscle mass .

1. The frequency of meals

It doesn’t matter how often you eat, it doesn’t matter if you eat three times a day or take six containers of food to work, this is not more important than the total number of calories and macronutrients. Some men and women prefer to eat four times a day, while others can eat eight times a day. The best choice is the one that allows you to stay on your diet. As long as you manage to consume the calories and macronutrients you need. The number of servings won’t make a difference.

We have to have a rational mindset and remember that if your calorie intake is almost 4,000, it could be difficult to eat only four meals (it would give us 1000 calories per meal)

2. Consume shakes

Instead of struggling to get 3,000-4,000 calories per day from whole foods, using protein / carbohydrate and fat shakes can help you reach your daily goals without making you feel uncomfortable or bloated from so many whole foods. Skip “weight gainers” products that provide 1,000 calories or more and are full of simple sugars and unhealthy fats. Look for products like whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, and whole egg, which have high protein values ​​of 159, 104, and 100, respectively. Do you want to be more practical? Create your own shake rich in nutrients: you can add protein powder, ground oats, banana, ground almonds, flax seeds, dried coconut, natural nut butters, oils and anything else you want to include.

3. The body type

One factor that is often overlooked when planning a diet and training program is your body type. You might get the best bulking diet out of a magazine or online, but it might not do you much good if it was designed with someone else in mind. Ectomorphs generally require more calories, carbohydrates, and often more fat in their diet, while endomorphs will want to be more careful with the total number of calories to see how their body reacts and avoid unwanted fat gains. Mesomorphs are the lucky ones. They will generally see relatively good results with moderate calories.

These categories play differently for each one, but are great for helping you set your expectations and strategies. Don’t be obsessed with them, but definitely keep them in mind.

4. Eat simple carbohydrates

Would you like to eat a plate of spaghetti? Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it once in a while. Just be sure to time your carbohydrate intake correctly, especially simple carbohydrates. The two best times to eat these are first thing in the morning – because you are coming off “fasting” and after your workout, when you can use carbs to kick start recovery, refill glycogen stores and help. in the process of muscle growth.

5. Plan your day

Having a plan of when you are going to eat, what you are going to eat and how much you are going to eat instead of just improvising increases your chances of success. muscle growth is not an excuse to eat more. If you want to maximize results, use the same precision with your bulking diet as you would for definition. Take some time each week to dedicate yourself to creating your diet. It’s the best way to guarantee results!

Are you stuck in your training?

The years go by and you realize that your muscles are suddenly not growing like they used to. Your muscles stop responding to your heavy training, no matter how hard you’ve been training intensely. From what you tell yourself, now I will train harder. So now you put in a three hour session but you are foolishly not realizing that that will only reduce the size of your muscles.

Ahhhhh, the stagnation ! It affects all of us and very few of us can be saved from it. In fact, most people don’t know that they are stuck and blame genetics for not growing. Don’t worry, if you read the following tips, I can assure you that your muscles will grow again and make them bigger.

Estas estancado

1. Change the repeating ranges.

Surely every day you do 5-9 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions … There is nothing wrong with that range, it is also ideal for hypertrophy or muscle building. But total physical development also requires strength, which occurs in ranges below 1-5 reps and muscular endurance, which is performed with high reps of 20-30.

Give your body a break. Move to a new rep range for a few weeks. If you are stuck, you must change your workouts to keep growing. It will be a new change of pace for your muscles and force them to respond again.

For example : 3 weeks you do strength, then you spend 2 weeks in muscular endurance and you go back to the original rep range and you will observe the change. You will be surprised.

If you are an experienced bodybuilder, you may need more intensity to get your muscles’ attention.

The idea of ​​ drop sets is to do a set of strings on failure or near failure, but the work doesn’t end here. When you hit failure with a high weight, immediately grab a light weight and do as many sets as you can until failure. Drop sets will help you reduce your gym time, a higher percentage of muscle fibers will be stimulated and you will get better results.

3. Take an inventory of your diet.

When was the last time you did a diet check ? If it’s been more than a month, do it right now. Your diet dictates results. If you don’t eat well, it will be difficult to make progress. “ When you climb a mountain, it constantly changes its terrain; change with it or stay where you are ”.

For example , if you’re in bulk, it might be time to give yourself a calorie boost – enough to give a new spark to muscle growth. Perform a reassessment every 6 to 8 weeks to maximize progress and avoid stalling.

Also remember that every kilo you gain you have to modify your diet. You are not going to consume the same when you were at 90 kilos as now that you are at 95, for example.

4. Rest

In some cases, resting for about 2 weeks from your training is the best way to improve results. You may not even know that you are overtrained if you never take time off. After the break, you will be bigger and stronger.

Consistency in training is important, but training too hard every day in the gym can lead to fatigue, even boredom. In the end, the results slow down or stop altogether.

5. Periodization

What does this mean? Professional athletes train for seasons using periodization. The periods are generally built parts or phases of 4-6. Each phase has its own or unique goal or objective. When it comes to bodybuilding this can be an amazing concept when you really plan well.

Basically periodization is doing a different type of training / diet style every 4-5 months, for example:

  • January-March: Strength (The goal is to gain as much strength as possible)
  • April-June: Muscle Volume (The goal is to gain muscle mass without worrying about the fat that can be obtained)
  • July-December: Muscle Definition (The goal is to lose all the fat that you have gained in the Strength / Volume phase but trying not to lose the muscle already gained ) In this phase, the diet has to be perfect and not abuse cardiovascular exercise.

What to eat before bed to build muscle

Eating to build muscle is a fairly common practice. Most likely, you compose your meals with the three main macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. You will surely eat at specific intervals throughout the day and make sure you eat regularly and consistently.

But, What about those late-night cravings where you could easily eat another meal or maybe you just feel like you really should be getting some nutrition? Sure, you can eat at another meal. all the macronutrients mentioned, but What if you are on a lean diet and don’t want to eat a lot of carbs before bed? The best answer is that you need a protein shot with some healthy fats without fear of let carbohydrates cause you harm.

What you eat before bed can have a big impact on gaining muscle mass or losing fat, if you eat something you shouldn’t, you can gain fat while you sleep.

Qué comer antes de acostarse

5 protein foods you can eat before bed

1. Eggs and avocado

Possibly in the world of protein, eggs are a great option for a nighttime meal. As a highly versatile food, eggs can be prepared in many ways to meet your nutritional needs and palate.

Once considered the nightmare of society, egg yolks are truly a welcome addition as they provide essential fatty acids that can help regulate hormone levels and give you a much-needed dose of satiety.

Avocado is another potent food perfect to pair with a selection of solid proteins. Avocado is versatile and can be added to many dishes. Use as a substitute for mayonnaise in stuffed eggs; Season with a pinch of salt and seasoning for a lean protein snack.

2. Casein and linseed oil

Although casein protein powder doesn’t have the superstar status that whey does, it could be considered the unsung hero of protein supplementation. As it digests slowly, it allows for a more gradual release of amino acids to give you protein coverage throughout the night. This will keep you in that anabolic state of recovery and repair longer than serum.

Flaxseed oil is another healthy fat with a host of benefits. Not only will it help slow digestion for dinner, but it will also help fill you up, decrease inflammation, and lower cholesterol.

3. Greek yogurt and chia seeds

If you haven’t heard of the benefits of Greek yogurt yet then you must be a newbie to the physical lifestyle. It’s loaded with active cultures that aid in gut health and it also has more protein on average than regular yogurt. It’s a great addition wherever you put it in your meal plan.

The seeds are rich in fiber, contain antioxidants, contain key omega-3 fatty acids, and are high-quality protein. They are also easy to add to almost any meal. Just sprinkle a little on a variety of your favorite foods or just top off your Greek yogurt with a scoop and you’re done.

4. Cottage cheese and almonds

Greek yogurt shouldn’t take all the credit for dairy protein. Cottage cheese includes sources of whey and casein protein so you get the fast and slow acting benefits of each type. It is one of the most perfect nocturnal sources of amino acids.

Almonds (or any other type of favorite nut) can induce satiety, give you a shot of healthy fats, and help slow down the digestive process to help regulate blood sugar levels. They are also great for micronutrient absorption and can be easily added to many foods. Just include them with your cottage cheese or just have a handful for a healthy snack.

5. Whey protein and peanut butter

Now we finally come to one of the most popular options when it comes to protein intake and muscle building. Many companies sell whey products, so be sure to buy a reputable one.

Whey contains a higher amount of essential amino acids specifically of the branched chain type: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Quickly digested, it’s an ideal supplement for a post-workout recovery shake.

One tablespoon of whey protein powder and two tablespoons of natural peanut butter will give you 290 calories, 28 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 16 grams of fat.

Here are other tips to take into account:

  • Eating a lot of food, especially carbohydrates at bedtime will cause you to gain fat when you sleep.
  • Eating carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (pasta, potatoes, white rice, sugar) right at bedtime will cause insulin levels to skyrocket and decrease growth hormone production, this is bad since 80% of This super hormone that burns fat and builds muscle mass is made when we sleep.
  • Try to always eat 2-3 hours before bed so that you can burn some calories.
  • Your last meal before bed should be animal protein such as chicken, fish, or fibrous carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits).
  • Before bed you could also take 1-2 scoops of casein protein powder.
  • Another good option is to eat a serving of low-fat cottage cheese (packed with casein protein).


Weight training for women

weight training offers many benefits. First of all, due to its short-term and long-term effects on metabolism and when it comes to burning fat that can both help you lose weight and body fat until you maintain the new weight already gained. Since you lose less protein and more fat, you will maintain the tone of the body that others lose when they diet.

Numerous studies have shown that weight training can improve physical and mental health, decrease musculoskeletal disorders and some of the problems associated with aging, such as mobility of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and loss of muscle mass .

The results of weight training help to raise hemoglobin levels by up to 25% in men and women, and increase the stroke volume – more blood circulating at any given time -. Therefore, it increases exercise tolerance and reduces fatigue.

Entrenamiento con pesas en la mujer

Unfortunately, while it is clear that using weights offers many benefits, many women avoid it because they are afraid of becoming too muscular and manly. So they stay away from the use of weights. They only do aerobics, yoga, Pilates and ultimately, they trick themselves into getting the body they really want.

Another reason some women don’t use weight training is because they want a toned physique, but not a big volume with big muscles. These women fear that building muscle will actually make their appearance look worse. Adding muscle will actually help support your metabolism and allow you to lose fat in those problem areas

Weight lifting can take the place of yoga, Pilates, and aerobics. In fact, there is no other form of exercise that offers as much as weight lifting.

While women who lift weights will gain some extra muscle, they will only accentuate their feminine appearance, they will never gain muscle like a man.

Hormonal differences and the effect on muscles and exercise

In general, unless the woman is using anabolic steroids, being too muscular for women is a myth. Women will not look manly if they train with weights. That’s because they don’t have the hormonal and genetic apparatus to create the amount of muscle that men can.

Higher levels of the hormone testosterone ( in men lead to differences in muscle and fat mass, and differences in response to exercise, including the effect on lipolysis (process metabolic process by which the body’s lipids are transformed to produce fatty acids and glycerol to meet energy needs) and protein synthesis.

Testosterone increases muscle protein synthesis and net muscle protein balance leading to increased muscle mass. Ovarian hormones can inhibit muscle protein synthesis. As a result of the huge differences in sex hormones between men and women, women do not have the ability to gain large amounts of muscle mass.

This is an important point for normal women to understand. No matter how much exercise they do, they will never get muscular.

What to consume in post-training

After you have finished your training , your body is very exhausted and looking for nutrients to use to start the repair process, which allows us to heal and get stronger for our next exercise session . During the first 90 minutes after our training session, our insulin sensitivity is much higher and slowly decreases.

This is because our weight training routine has shocked our body and uses a lot of its fuel right away and is willing to replace it. So during this time, it is a good idea to eat a lot of carbohydrates.

Increased insulin levels after training is not harmful and will not cause an increase in fat storage as the nutrients will go to skeletal muscle at this time.

After training, fast absorbing carbohydrates are recommended. You will need blood sugar levels to rise rapidly to transport nutrients to the muscles . Carbohydrates with a glycemic index of 100 would be the most optimal. We also want it to be in liquid form for faster absorption. Maltodextrin and dextrose are the best options.

Que se debe consumir en el post-entrenamiento

After your training you can consume up to 30% of your total daily calorie consumption without worrying since your body will not store it in fat, as I said before. There are several things to take into account when post-training:

  • Don’t stop eating, even if you’re not hungry or don’t want to.
  • Drink plenty of water with food and afterwards.
  • Eat some protein with your meal, so carbohydrates and water will help transport protein into the cell to begin repairing muscles. (There will be a small insulin spike in your system.)
  • Try to avoid consuming fat with this meal, as it slows down the rate of digestion and lowers the insulin spike.
  • A post-workout drink, such as a commercial meal replacement supplement, is optimal for providing adequate amounts of protein and carbohydrates, to aid protein synthesis and limit protein breakdown.

Supplements you can use in post-training:

1. Whey protein

It is essential in creating the insulin spike and in helping to build new muscle. It is a must to consume it if you train. Some say you need a ton of protein right after training, but if you eat tons of protein, you’re just going to pee it out.

Protein companies want to make you think that you should consume large amounts of it and that way they make more money. So don’t eat more protein than your body can handle or you’ll end up in the bathroom.

2. Dextrose and maltrodextrin

These are also very important in achieving your insulin spike. It also helps to quickly reload your glycogen reserves. They are cheap and you can buy them in almost any store.

3. Creatine

During the insulin spike, if creatine is present in the blood, it enters the muscle along with the insulin. Creatine increases your ATP (adenosine triphosphate) stores faster rather than letting your own body replace them.

4. Antioxidants

These supplements are important in reducing muscle fatigue. They are used for your body to create the two enzymes to control free radicals. They reduce muscle fatigue by preventing free radicals from damaging muscle tissue. Some oxidants are vitamin E and C or zinc, to name a few. There are many more and you can buy them as supplements.

5. BCAA (branched-chain amino acids)

BCAAs are great for maintaining nitrogen balances. They are digested in skeletal muscle and prevent muscle fatigue.

28 quotes from Greg Plitt to give you the best of yourself

These quotes by Greg Plitt will inspire you to work hard to achieve your goals and dreams.

Greg Plitt was considered a fitness icon in addition to being a coach, motivational speaker and having participated in several films as an actor and as a model. Driven by his passion for fitness, he soon learned that his ability to inspire people to get in shape could apply to any and all areas of life.

Greg Plitt changed the lives of many people. He repeated many times that he had the best job in the world, motivating people and pushing them to be stronger.

Unfortunately Greg passed away in an accident but his legacy lives on through all the motivational videos and quotes that continue to help people every day.

frases de Greg Plitt

Greg Plitt quotes

1.“When you have a purpose for every action, every action has a result.”

2. “You have a life to live. Why wait until tomorrow to start? ”

3. “You must believe in yourself enough to be the person right now that you want others to remember you for later.”

4. “Opportunities don’t knock on the door. They come when you knock on the door. ”

5. “In life, it is not the person with the best genetics or the type with the most potential who wins. It is the person with the greatest perseverance who wins. He’s the one who’s always willing to get up and do it over and over again. ”

6. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about dancing in the rain.”

7. “Second by second, you lose the opportunity to become the person you want to be. Take charge of your life. ”

8. “Happiness is when you finally connect your mind with your body.”

9. “An hour of pain produces a lifetime of pride.”

10. “If you mentally believe it will happen, your body will find a way to make it happen physically.”

11. “The only reps you don’t grow with are the reps you don’t do.”

12. “Bet on yourself. If you bet on yourself, you will never lose. ”

13. “Once you know where your current limits are, then you know how to break them, surpass them… keep growing.”

14. “When you help yourself, you feel good. But when you help someone else heal, it’s something no chemical medicine can match. It’s the best high in the world. It’s addictive, it’s contagious, and the world needs more. ”

15. “The most difficult things in life are the ones that get the least done, but they provide the most.”

16. “If tomorrow was the last day, would you do what you have to do today? If that answer is no, then you are alive but you are not living. ”

17. “Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can build in the gym.”

18. “Time is the most valuable asset on earth, an asset that depreciates. Don’t waste another moment in life when you are not at your highest potential, making the most of the time you have in life. ”

19. “Success doesn’t know about things like it’s cold, early, or tired. It only knows if you showed up or not. ”

20. “It is early morning and your competition is still sleeping.”

21. “Time is ticking, are you becoming the person you want to be?”

22. “Walk through the mud in life, if you ever want to reach higher ground.”

23. “The difference between a winner and a loser is that they both failed, but the winner comes back up and does it over and over again until he gets away with it.”

24. “Sacrifice yourself today to improve tomorrow, be willing to pay that sacrifice with pain, because pain is just a message that you are fixing something that is insufficient in your life.”

25. “Have the right mindset and the body will follow you, you will lose some battles in life, but if you always put your heart and your passion as the main objective, you will win the war, that’s what it gives you the strength to get off the ground … and do it again. ”

26. “There are two types of pain, the one that breaks you and the one that changes you. In the gym, pain is felt as a result of weakness leaving the body. Physical pain is the pain of transformation and progress. The longer you hold on, the harder it will be to accept the idea of ​​failure. ”

27. “Why cry for missed opportunities when you have the ability to smile at the opportunities you have experienced? The past has created who you are NOW, where we learn and grow from the past, never resting through past accomplishments or allowing past failure to paralyze us in our current endeavors. ”

28. “Your body is the house you are obligated to live in for the rest of your life. You cannot sell it, you cannot mortgage it. All you can do is modify and improve it. Or you can neglect it. There is only one house you can live in. What kind of house do you want to live in? ”

What Greg Plitt quotes were your favorites?

One of our favorite phrases is: “If you mentally believe it will happen, your body will find a way to make it happen physically.” We hope their words help you become the best version of yourself.

Thanks for viewing these amazing Greg Plitt quotes, and don’t forget to share them with your friends and family on social media!

What was your favorite phrase? Leave a comment below.

3 steps to mark abs

95% of the work to get a 6-pack abs is losing body fat and abdominal exercise will not. If you have a beer belly, you can sit-ups year-round and still won’t have a strong abs. You may have abdominal muscles very developed, but if they are covered in fat, then no one is going to see them.

Losing weight and having strong abs is as easy as following these 3 steps.

  1. Exercise a little more
  2. Eat a little less
  3. Drink lots of water

When people think about losing weight , what comes to mind are words like “hunger,” “deprivation,” “diet,” and “agony.” No! Losing weight properly will not lead to any of these, the key is in the previous two words “common sense”. Most of the fad diets out there are unhealthy, dangerous, or both, and usually lead to misery and hunger which ultimately leads to bingeing and guilt.

Pasos para marcar los abdominales

Good nutrition + exercise = marked abs

There is no such thing as spot fat removal despite what the late night commercials try to sell you. You cannot remove “target” fat unless you have liposuction. All you can do is lose weight and let the body decide where the fat is coming from. Let’s talk about expectations, you cannot be marked in 10 days or up to 30 days. A weight loss program will allow you to lose weight gradually, one pound per week is a good point – 2 pounds per week maximum. If you count 50 pounds overweight it will take 6 months to a year to remove it. Losing fat at this gradual rate means that you will never feel hungry or deprived. Another reason to lose weight little by little is for your body not to burn the muscle that you have gained in your training. Nobody!

1. To lose weight: Exercise more

You lose fat when you burn more calories than you consume. To burn calories you need to do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every day. Do not worry, cardiovascular exercise does not burn muscles, in fact it can help you gain muscle
Of course, it must be borne in mind that it is proven that performing more than 1 hour of cardiovascular exercise causes muscle loss.

And what constitutes a cardiovascular exercise?

Cardiovascular exercise is one that raises the heart rate between 70% -85% of its maximum for at least 20 minutes. What is the best cardio for weight loss? For most people, walking is the best form of cardio! Easy, pleasant risk and low point of injury. For a young person in good health, jogging or swimming are other good options for cardiovascular exercise. You can also use hybrid workouts or sports for your cardiovascular training.

It is not only the realization of cardiovascular exercise important for the loss of fat, the weight lifting is just as important or more when it comes to losing fat. Weight lifting burns calories too and most importantly helps your muscles grow.

Caution: A few words of warning, you shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking that because you’re exercising you can eat whatever you want – you can’t. No matter how much exercise you do, if you eat more calories than you burn with your training, this way you will end up gaining fat instead of losing it.

2. To lose weight: eat less

The second part of losing fat is eating less, that is, consuming fewer calories. Remember this does not mean starving yourself or becoming destitute!

Most people fail to achieve their goals, not because of eating too much but because of eating enough! If you are hungry it means that you are doing something very wrong. Unless you are a bodybuilder eating less does not mean that you should give up all the foods you like. If you have a craving for your favorite food then you are human!

There are many nutrition methods when it comes to weight loss and they all work, at least in the short term. How they differ is in their state of health and if the results are long-term, long-lasting or not!

Basics of good nutrition

Let’s start with something basic that applies to all nutrition methods when it comes to losing fat – it is important to eat many small meals rather than a few large ones. You cannot lose weight by eating one or two meals a day, this puts your body in starvation mode and reduces your metabolism. You need 3-6 meals a day. I know you are thinking, “I can’t eat six times a day, I don’t have time!” Well, I can’t cook more than three meals a day for work and I can even eat six healthy meals a day.

The small meals that you eat each day should be well balanced – what does this mean? It depends a bit on your eating plan, but most of each meal should probably be vegetables and whole grains, some type of lean protein (beans, dairy, meat), and a small amount of fruit. Your body doesn’t store protein, you just can’t eat a big steak for dinner and call this your daily protein.

What should we have in our meals?

Every meal should have at least

  • 1/6 of your daily protein requirement
  • should contain a lot of vegetables without sauces (fresh or steamed), the more the better. Vegetables that fill up with only a few calories, this is the key to avoiding hunger!
  • It should not have more than 25% of the calories from fat (only good fats like avocados, olives, nuts)
  • You should have whole grain carbohydrates for energy like oatmeal, brown rice, or quinoa. Avoid simple carbohydrates like sugar.
  • Must have a small portion of fruit

People ask me all the time what a healthy snack is. Well, a healthy snack is something that fits into your nutrition plan for the day without exceeding the calorie allowance or the number of grams of fat, protein, and carbohydrates that you have decided is appropriate.

3. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water can help you lose weight! There are several ways this works, the main way is that two glasses of water that you should consume before your meal makes your stomach feel full so you eat less.

We already talked in the previous article about the reasons why a bodybuilder needs to consume water.

How to deal with cravings

Cravings are a very common problem when people try to lose body fat. Each one has its own particular vices, mine is sugar. We are going to talk about some methods that you can use to effectively treat withdrawal symptoms.

The best way is to have a healthy meal all week but one day you can go out and eat something different this way you can avoid eating unhealthy food throughout the week without going out of your diet plan.

3 exercises to build colossal triceps

Triceps | Extensiones de tríceps en polea alta

If you want to increase the size of your arms, one of the most important things you can do is focus on the work of the triceps muscle. When your triceps are well developed, your arms will be much more noticeable since this muscle constitutes a very important part of the mass of the arm in general.

Many bodybuilders do not take the time to develop this muscle, as they are much more concerned with working the biceps. While biceps training is also important, having a good balance in upper body training is vital.

Ejercicios para triceps

Anatomy of the triceps

The triceps has three heads: the lateral, middle and long head. These muscles connect the humerus and shoulder blade to the bone in the forearm called the ulna. It’s important to make sure you incorporate exercises that affect all three of these heads to fully develop the back of your upper arm. Simply doing a triceps exercise will not be enough.

Training days

In the old days of bodybuilding, you trained your triceps on the same day as your chest. In fact, many bodybuilders still do. However, this old school technique may not be the best way to develop them if you are looking for optimal triceps size or if your triceps are lagging behind.

If you work triceps after chest, you will not be able to use an optimal weight to overload the triceps, which have already been partially worked as part of your chest routine.

Giving your triceps full focus to carry more weight while fresh will improve your results.

Exercises that you can use to really get the full size of your triceps.

1. Close grip bench press

It’s a great exercise to hit the middle and lateral heads of the triceps. This exercise can be performed in flat, incline, or declination variations. Between 10 and 25 degrees of decline or incline is recommended.

Take a deep breath and hold your breath as you lower the bar to your chest. When you go to touch the pecs, reverse the direction and push the bar up.

Expel the air when you pass the most difficult point of the ascending phase.

The elbows should point to the front and stay close to the sides during the ascent and descent. Keep your hands about 13 centimeters apart. Holding your hands close together increases the pressure on your elbows and wrists.

Press de Banca

2. Lying dumbbell extensions:

This exercise hits all three heads of the triceps. You are going to have to go a little lighter and more careful in this exercise, in order to maintain strict form during the negative phase of the exercise. A dumbbell and a bench are all that we have to use to perform the horizontal bench dumbbell extensions exercise. Bring the dumbbells to the end of the bench and sit on it. Now grab each dumbbell with one hand, or one hand, and bring them to your chest. Raise and stretch your arms and, from this position, bend your forearm to the side. Thus, during the execution of this exercise, the arms remain in their natural position, without twisting the forearm or wrist, which facilitates its execution and allows the use of a little heavier dumbbells.

You can also do this exercise with one hand, for a better concentration on the muscle.

Triceps | Extensiones con mancuerna acostado

3. High pulley triceps extensions:

Standing, facing the device, with the hands on the handle and the elbows aligned with the body, make an extension of the forearms, trying not to separate the elbows from the body. Exhale at the end of the movement.

With this exercise we work the three heads of the brachial triceps and the anconeus.

Triceps extensions can be done with the reverse grip; that is, with the palms facing up, working the inner head of the triceps.

Another way to do it in stirrups, in this case the repetitions corresponding to a series with one arm are performed and immediately the repetitions of the other arm are followed before moving to the rest phase between series.

Triceps | Extensiones de tríceps en polea alta